Friday, August 6, 2010

It is August...

This summer has left me both mentally and physically exhausted.

Work has been steady, and when it hasn't I have had to spend my time working on the house. We recently finished re-roofing the house and that drained me financially. So I pretty much sat around doodling, but never focusing because I was worrying over how the bills were going to get paid.

I am trying to schedule my days out so that way I can take a little time to draw every day, unfortunately everything is an ASAP deadline right now so I am working from 7AM till 2 AM pretty much every day. (Sleep? What is this... sleep you speak of?)

Its okay. I'll catch up and things will be fantastic.

I am going to make Krystle get a blog on here too. It helps to have people around posting and whatnot. Its more encouraging. =)