Did I forget about this?
Yeah. I did. My bad.
But its time to get serious with this, because lets face it. I've always known I was born to draw. So... lets draw.
Right now I am sitting down and trying to schedule out how this is going to happen. I have a few goals I'd like to achieve.
1. DAILY UPDATES. How am I going to do this... I haven't decided if they'll be digital sketches or paper--- probably a bit of both I imagine. I will post 30 minutes worth of sketches and then a 1 hour drawing. I'll be pulling sources from both traditional fine arts and current pop arts. (Not poptarts.)
2. FOCUS. I have a full time lettering gig, and that is fine. I like it, but I sometimes feel that somewhere along the line I gave up one desire for another, when I know I can do both. So I need to learn to detach myself from things (IM, E-Mail, No Networking during this time) If I can teach myself to open that creative flood gate again then I'll be able to get back to where I was. Right now I am constantly closing it and keeping it locked, and it DOES cause a lot of frustration and in turn becomes and even larger distraction.
3. RECEIVING CRITIQUE. I am kinda sensitive about critiques, and have been know to snap back. I KNOW I do this, so the goal is to NOT do this. To analyze what people are saying, even if I may not agree with it.
Overall, I want to improve. I want to do my own comic and make it GOOD. I don't want it to look like the a-typical webcomic. (Xerox comics.)
So add me. Comment. Do what you gotta do.